CoordNet: Data Generation and Visualization Generation for Time-Varying Volumes via a Coordinate-Based Neural Network
Jun Han, Chaoli Wang
DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2022.3197203
Room: 106
2023-10-25T23:45:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
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Volume visualization;implicit neural representation;data generation;visualization generation
Although deep learning has demonstrated its capability in solving diverse scientific visualization problems, it still lacks generalization power across different tasks. To address this challenge, we propose CoordNet, a single coordinate-based framework that tackles various tasks relevant to time-varying volumetric data visualization without modifying the network architecture. The core idea of our approach is to decompose diverse task inputs and outputs into a unified representation (i.e., coordinates and values) and learn a function from coordinates to their corresponding values. We achieve this goal using a residual block-based implicit neural representation architecture with periodic activation functions. We evaluate CoordNet on data generation (i.e., temporal super-resolution and spatial super-resolution) and visualization generation (i.e., view synthesis and ambient occlusion prediction) tasks using time-varying volumetric data sets of various characteristics. The experimental results indicate that CoordNet achieves better quantitative and qualitative results than the state-of-the-art approaches across all the evaluated tasks.