Infinite Colours

Xavier Ho, Stephen James Krol

Room: 103

2023-10-25T23:45:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Exemplar figure, described by caption below
Infnite Colours This generative work draws data from 2,499 queer independent games for about 12 seconds each. Each game adds a unique shape and colour onto the canvas, and plays a unique string of notes. Over 8 hours, the canvas will be filled with infinite colours to celebrate LGBTQIA+ independent videogames.
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This generative work draws data from 2,499 queer independent games for about 12 seconds each. Each game adds a unique shape and colour onto the canvas, and plays a unique string of notes. Over 8 hours, the canvas will be filled with infinite colours to celebrate LGBTQIA+ independent videogames. History has always been queer. Through this generative visual and sound work, we aim to demonstrate the collective activism, movement, and creative expressions that queer folks are making to be visible, heard, and to say that we are here. But queer movement does not happen over night; queer resistance is accumulative and built over generations of self-sacrifice and self-acceptance. The multitude intersectionality of the unruly times slowly bleeds colour into the world, blends motion into the landscape, and accumulatively becomes a canvas of ever-moving colourful light.