Visualization in Astrophysics: Developing New Methods, Discovering Our Universe, Educating the Earth
2020-10-26T18:00:00Z – 2020-10-26T21:30:00Z
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We propose a workshop during VIS 2020 titled “Visualization in Astrophysics: Developing New Methods, Discovering Our Universe, Educating the Earth”. The workshop aims to bring together researchers in astronomy and visualization in addressing emerging directions in visualization for large and complex astronomical datasets. It will facilitate close interactions among the attendees with the aim of accelerating the convergence between astronomy and visualization research, specifically in the development of practical visualization techniques and tools for large astronomical data. The workshop aims to have research talks in astronomy and visualization, including talks with planetaria content. It also aims to have moderated discussions and hands-on sessions to discuss potential solutions to mini-challenges involving well-curated astronomy data.
Visualization in Astrophysics: Developing New Methods, Discovering Our Universe, Educating the Earth
2020-10-26T18:00:00Z – 2020-10-26T21:30:00Z
Chair: Lauren Anderson, Bei Wang, Juna Kollmeier
8 presentations in this session. See more »