Theory and Application of Visualization Color Tools and Strategies
2020-10-25T18:00:00Z – 2020-10-25T21:30:00Z
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In this tutorial, we will discuss the theory and usage of color encoding design for visualization, including state-of-the-art strategies and tools. Several new color palette and colormap construction tools such as Colorgorical, Color Crafter, ColorMoves, CCCtool have recently been released. This tutorial is designed to help participants understand their features, strengths and constraints in order to enable the selection of the tool that best aligns with their needs. We will first discuss principles, decisions, and mechanisms for designing effective color encodings and then explore these tools in hands-on sessions, creating color palettes and colormaps, and testing them on data. We will close with a discussion of how future tools may aid in open challenges for using color in visualization.
Theory and Application of Visualization Color Tools and Strategies
2020-10-25T18:00:00Z – 2020-10-25T21:30:00Z
Chair: Stephanie Zeller, Francesca Samsel, Danielle Szafir, Karen Schloss, Pascal Nardini
10 presentations in this session. See more »