Color Basics for Creating Visualizations
2020-10-25T14:00:00Z – 2020-10-25T17:30:00Z
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We provide an overview of the basics of color theory and demonstrate how to apply the concepts to visualization. Our tutorial is intended for a broad audience of individuals interested in understanding the mysteries of color. Our journey includes the introduction to the concepts of color models and harmony, a review of color vision principles, the defining of color gamut, spaces and systems, and demonstrating online and mobile apps for performing color analyses of digital media. Freely available commercial and research tools for your continued use in color selection and color deficiency assessments are highlighted. The tutorial includes concepts from art and design such as extending the fundamentals of the Bauhaus into data visualization as well as overviews of color perception and appearance principals for vision. Emerging trends in automated color selection and deep learning colorization are also highlighted.
Color Basics for Creating Visualizations
2020-10-25T14:00:00Z – 2020-10-25T17:30:00Z
Chair: Theresa-Marie Rhyne
2 presentations in this session. See more »