Challenges in the Visualization of Bioelectric Fields for Cardiac and Neural Research

2020-10-30T16:00:00Z – 2020-10-30T17:30:00Z

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The visualization of bioelectric fields has been an ongoing challenge to cardiac and neural researchers. Bioelectrical field data are heterogeneous and their interpretation often requires simultaneous interrogation of anatomical information with measured or simulated scalar, vector, and tensor fields. They may be volumetric or constrained to (obscuring) surfaces; and are usually time-dependent. To fully understand the spatiotemporal dynamics of the pathology under study, it is often necessary to integrate diverse formation across multiple scales, and to quantify and visualize the uncertainty associated with the data. Unfortunately, few visualization approaches are catered to the needs, conventions, and language of the applications, leading to a lack of widespread standards and use. Addressing these visualization challenges has potentially far-reaching benefits to both the understanding and diagnosis of a number of diseases. The 90-minute session will be split between a single 30-minute plenary talk given by Dr. Rob S. MacLeod with experience in cardiac and neural analysis and visualization to outline the challenges facing the field. The plenary talk will be followed by three 15-minute talks from specialists from across the country who will outline their specific applications and visualization challenges.


Challenges in the Visualization of Bioelectric Fields for Cardiac and Neural Research

2020-10-30T16:00:00Z – 2020-10-30T17:30:00Z

Chair: Wilson Good

4 presentations in this session. See more »